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Updated: Aug 6, 2019

The moment you make up your mind to do whatever your heart says is the exact moment, when you start understanding your inner self and it gives you the power to live upto your dreams and aspirations and you are ready to conquer the world, then my dear, you are in love, in love with yourself.

What I believe is that self-love keeps you motivated. So my dear friends,

You just need to believe in yourself.

You also need to remind yourself that 'YOU CAN DO IT'.

Work hard: keep fighting

Don't give up on your dream.

Stay positive and keep smiling.

Whatever you are doing, love yourself for doing it

Whatever you are feeling, love yourself for feeling it.

No one will be there for you except you, yourself, so you might as well enjoy your own company. For me, loving yourself is not a selfish act, because you can't love anyone unless you love yourself. It is an act which boosts up your self-confidence, builds up self-esteem and makes you indestructible. Falling in love with your self is the biggest secret of happiness.

Do you want to meet the love of your life? If yes, you just need to do one thing: LOOK IN THE MIRROR.

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